Policy & Law


Article 1 These Provisions are formulated according to the Education Law, the Higher Education Law and other relevant laws and regulations for the purpose of maintaining the normal educational, teaching and living order in regular institutions of higher education, safeguarding the physical and mental health of students and promoting the comprehensive development of students in terms of morality, intellect, fitness and virtue.

Article 2 These Provisions are applicable to the management of candidates for junior college (vocational higher education institution) degrees, bachelor degrees and graduate degrees that receive the regular higher degree education by the regular institutions of higher education and scientific research institutes undertaking the graduate program (hereinafter referred to as higher educational institutions or schools).

Article 3 A higher education institution shall concentrate on cultivating talented persons, comply with national educational policies, follow educational rules, and unceasingly improve the educational quality; shall govern the school pursuant to law, exert strict administration, establish and improve its management systems, regulate its management behaviors; and shall combine the management with the strengthening of education, continuously upgrade its management level and energetically cultivate eligible builders and reliable successors for the socialist cause.



Article 4 Students in higher educational institutions shall vigorously study the Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory and important thoughts of “Three Represents”, establish a common ideal and firm faith to take the socialist road with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and to bring about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation; shall build up the patriotism and bear spirits of solidification and unification, love peace, be industrious and brave, and constantly strive to become stronger; shall abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, code of ethics for citizens, the Code of Conduct for Students in Higher Educational Institutions, management provisions as set down by the school, have good moral traits, behaviors and habits; shall work hard, have the courage to explore, vigorously carry out practices, make great efforts to master modern scientific, cultural knowledge and professional skills; and shall energetically do exercises so as to achieve a sound physique.

Article 5 A student at school shall enjoy the following rights:

(1)Taking part in all activities arranged within the educational and teaching planning of the school, and utilizing the educational and teaching sources as provided by the school;

(2)Taking part in community services and work-study programs, and forming and attending student organizations and recreational activities and sports on campus;

(3)Applying for scholarships, stipends and student loans;

(4)Acquiring a just appraisal in the aspect of ideology, morality and academic results, and obtaining an academic certificate and diploma after having finished studies as provided for by the school;

(5)Filing an appeal to the school or the educational administrative department if he holds objections to a punishment or sanction imposed by the school; and filing an appeal or lawsuit if the school or the teaching and management staff members encroach on his legitimate rights and interests like the personal right or property right; and

(6)Other rights as prescribed by laws and regulations.


Article 6 A student at school shall fulfill the following obligations:

(1)Abiding by the Constitution, laws and regulations;

(2)Abiding by regulations and rules as set down by the school;

(3)Working hard to complete the prescribed course work;

(4)Paying tuitions and other relevant charges according to provisions, and fulfilling obligations in regard to a student loan or stipend;




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