Policy & Law


“Punishment Measures for Violations of Regulations in State Education Examinations”, which were discussed and passed at the minister’s working meeting on May 10, 2004, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

Minister Zhou Ji

May 19, 2004

Punishment Measures for Violations of Regulations in State Education Examinations

Article 1 For the purposes of standardizing the determination and punishment of violations of regulations in state education examinations, guaranteeing the fairness and justness of the state education examinations, and safeguarding the legal rights and interests of the examinees of the state education examinations (hereafter referred to as “examinees”) and of the working personnel participating in the state education examinations (hereafter referred to as “ examination working personnel”), the present Measures are formulated according to the Education Law of the People’s Republic of China and relevant laws and administrative regulations.

Article 2 The state education examinations mentioned in the present Measures refer to those examinations that are confirmed by the State Council’s education administration department, implemented by authorized education examination organizations, and held uniformly over the country; such examinations include the entrance examinations for institutions of higher educations and adult universities, the national entrance examination for graduate studies, and examinations of higher educations for self studying students.

Article 3 The present Measures are applicable to the examinees participating in the state education examinations and examination working personnel and other relevant personnel; they are applicable to the determination and punishment of violations of the examination administration regulations and the disciplines of the examination rooms, and behaviors that impair the fairness and justness of the examinations. The determination and punishment of violations of regulations in state education examinations should be open, fair, legal and appropriate.



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