Policy & Law

  The people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and all the ministries and commissions and all the affiliated institutions of the State Council:

Since the national work meeting of vocational education was held in 2002, all regions and departments have earnestly implemented the Decision of the State Council on Vigorously Promoting the Reform and Development of Vocational Education (No. 16 [2002] of the State Council) and have intensified the leadership of and support for the work of vocational education so that the reform and development of vocational education on the employment-oriented basis is gradually becoming a common view of the society, the scale of the vocational education has been further expanded, and the functionary ability of the vocational education to serve the economy and society has been obviously intensified. However, from a general point of view, the vocational education is still a weak link in our education undertaking with unbalanced development, inadequate input, comparatively poor conditions for school running, whereby the school-running mechanism as well as the scale, structure and quality of talent training cannot meet the requirements of the social development. In order to further implement and carry into effect the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Vocational Education and the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China, meet the pressing requirements for high-quality laborers and skilled talents in the building of an overall well-off society, and promote the construction of a harmonious socialist society, we hereby make the following decisions on vigorously developing the vocational education:

1.Carrying into Effect the Scientific Concept of Development and Regarding the Development of Vocational Education as an Important Basis for the Economic and Social Development as well as a Strategic Focus in the Work of Education
1.Carrying into Effect the Scientific Concept of Development and Regarding the Development of Vocational Education as an Important Basis for the Economic and Social Development as well as a Strategic Focus in the Work of Education

(1)Vigorously developing the vocational education and accelerating the development of human resources is a significant step to carry into effect the strategy of revitalizing China through science and education and the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development, promote the progress on a new way to industrialization, solve the issues concerning “agriculture, countryside and farmers” and promote the employment and re-employment; is an important means to elevate the national quality in an overall manner, convert the pressure of a large population into an advantage of human resources, elevate our comprehensive national strength and build a harmonious society; and is an imperative requirement to implement the educational guidelines of the CPC Communist Party, observe the educational rules and realize a sustainable development of the educational undertaking in an overall and harmonious manner. Under the new situation, the people’s governments at all levels shall, under the guidance of the Deng Xiaoping Theory and the importance thought of “Three Represents”, carry into effect the scientific concept of development and closely combine the acceleration of the vocational education, especially the development of the secondary vocational education, and the prosperity of economy, promotion of employment, elimination of poverty, maintenance of stability and construction of advanced culture, intensify the sense of imminence and commitment, adopt effective measures and vigorously promote the sound and fast development of the vocational education.

2)We should clarify the objective of the reform and development of the vocational education. We should further establish and improve a flexible, open and freely-developed modern vocational education system with Chinese characteristics in a reasonable structure and diverse forms, which, by means of school-enterprise cooperation and knowledge-practice combination, meets the requirements of the socialist market economic system, satisfies the life-long study requirements of the people and is closely related to market demand as well as labor and employment.

In the 11th 5-year period, we should continue improving the multiple school-running pattern of “leadership of government, dependence on enterprises, full exertion of industrial functions, active participation of all the social walks and joint development of public and private schools” and the administrative system of “ under the leadership of the State Council and on the basis of the classified administration, the local governments’ major role, the Central Government’s overall arrangement and the participation of all social walks”.

By 2010, the enrollment scale of the secondary vocational education shall have reached 8 million, which is, on the whole, equal to the enrollment scale of common senior high schools. The higher vocational education shall have constituted more than 50% that of the higher education. During the 11th 5-year period, the vocational education shall have supplied to the society more than 25 million secondary vocational school graduates and more than 11 million higher vocational institution graduates. The occupational trainings in diversified forms shall have been further developed, which may train more than a billion urban and rural laborers each year, so that the quality of our laborers is obviously elevated. The school-running conditions of the vocational education shall have been universally improved, the construction of faculty contingents shall have been further intensified and the quality and benefits shall have been obviously elevated.



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