Does CSR Really Improve the Bottom Line in China?

The effective implementation of CSR - beyond the funding of worthy community projects - requires embedding the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in the strategy and the culture of the firm. Today - in China and elsewhere - there are examples that illustrate how such well integrated corporate efforts contribute to the financial performance of the company. We will explore some of the conditions behind the concrete successful examples of CSR approaches both in China and the West and discuss what can be learnt from them. The relationship between CSR and the “harmonious society” will be discussed and we will explore the likely impact that the current changes in Chinese labor regulations will have on CSR efforts. Academics, business leaders and representatives of the civil society will contribute to a lively debate on a fashionable but complex subject, sharing experience and proposing concrete approaches. A day to learn action but also to induce reflection.


The Euro-China Centre for Leadership and Responsibility (ECCLAR)
The Centre was created in 2005 by Professor Henri-Claude de Bettignies with two purposes:
a) to bring a contribution to the development of responsible leadership in Chinese organizations through research, education, forum and networking building
b) to enhance the capacity of Europeans and Chinese to manage their long term interdependence for their mutual benefits. The Centre is based in Shanghai on the campus of the China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS), currently the leading business school in China. For additional information, see:

The European SPES Forum
The European SPES Forum was founded in 2004, based on the conviction that what is needed is not only an economically and market-driven process of European integration but, at the same time, a spiritually and values-driven one. Chiefly coordinated by Luk Bouckaert (Catholic University Leuven) and Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University Budapest), it is a network of interested organizations and individuals, willing to reflect on the spiritual future of Europe and setting up new initiatives on the interface between spirituality, economy and culture. Its overall aim is to open up spirituality as a vital source in social and economic life. For additional  information, see:

The Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE)
The Center for International Business Ethics was founded at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing, in 2004 as a research institution which facilitates the dialogue between business people and scholars through conferences and training seminars with a special focus on the Chinese context. The director is Professor Liu Baocheng (UIBE) and Dr. Stephan Rothlin Secretary General. The vision of CIBE is to create Ethical Labels in order to inspire companies operating in China to raise the understanding of Business Ethics and to become a thought leader in the combination of ethics and business development. For additional information,



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