Asian Financial Centres: The fallout from the credit crisis


For further information about this conference, including a full programme and details of how to register, please contact
Ms. Felicia Zhang
Tel: 021-28905143

Conference Overview

The event will look at a wide variety of factors, including the development of the Asian markets, the ramifications of the credit crunch, the investment strategies being employed and the integration of Asian investors into the global marketplace. Questions to be posed include:

  • To what extent has the credit crunch affected Asian markets? Are the Asian markets "decoupling" from the US and European markets?
  • How will Hong Kong retain its position as one of the most successful financial centres in Asia in the face of increased competition from Shanghai and Singapore?
  • Government-owned investment institutions are becoming increasingly prevalent, with countries such as China estimated to have accumulated reserves totalling over USD1 trillion. What is the effect on the markets of their investment strategies?
  • Should China and Singapore seek to harmonize or converge their rules and regulations with the United States and Europe?

Keynote Speakers

  • Stuart Fraser
    Chairman of the Policy & Resources Committee
    City of London Corporation
  • David McCormick
    Under Secretary for International Affairs
    US Department of the Treasury

Other Speaker Highlights

  • Zhao Haiying
    Managing Director, Strategic Asset Allocation and Research
    China Investment Corporation

  • Paul Hsu
    Founder and President
    Epoch Foundation

  • Guy de Jonquières
    Senior Research Fellow
    Chatham House

  • Dr Louis Kuijs
    Lead Economist
    The World Bank. Beijing

  • George Magnus
    Senior Economic Adviser

  • Henry G Morris
    Director, Corporate Financial Advisory Services
    IRC Limited

  • Professor Eric Pan
    The Samuel and Ronnie Heyman Center on Corporate Governance, Benjamin N Cardozo School of Law

  • Professor Michael Pettis*
    Professor of Finance
    Guanghua School of Management, Peking University



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