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Study Skills
Am I ready to study in English? (EAL_1)

 Even if you feel confident using English in everyday situations, studying in English at higher education level might present extra challenges. This unit provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your English language skills through a series ...

Even if you feel confident using English in everyday situations, studying in English at higher education level might present extra challenges. This unit provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your English language skills through a series of academic exercises.

Safari - skills accessing, finding and reviewing information (LDT_6)

We constantly need to find and use information, not only in the academic world but also in the course of our everyday lives and work. This unit will take you through the process of finding information from various sources, organising it effectively and citing it when necessary.

Essay and report writing skills (LDT_5)

Writing reports and assignments can be a daunting prospect. This unit is designed to help you develop the skills you need to write effectively for academic purposes. You will learn how to interpret questions and how to plan, structure and write your assignment or report.

Processes of study in the arts and humanities (GSG_4)

This unit is essential reading if you want to look at, and think about, people's ideas, practices and products to try to understand what they mean. Developing your skill in analysis–interpretation–evaluation and communication is a good and worthwhile investment. Aimed at learners of arts and humanities subjects, you will find this unit invaluable whether you are new to study or more experienced.

The importance of interpersonal skills (Y159_1)

To succeed in management you need good interpersonal skills, you need to understand how to deal with other people. This unit will help you gain an awareness of your skills and understand that an awareness of the interpersonal skills of others can help us enormously in dealing with the work tasks we are responsible for.

Key skills - making a difference (U529_1)

This unit focuses on higher level skills. Skills development is complementary to other learning – it cannot be done in isolation. The higher level skills in this material aim to raise your awareness of the processes of learning and development ...
This unit focuses on higher level skills. Skills development is complementary to other learning – it cannot be done in isolation. The higher level skills in this material aim to raise your awareness of the processes of learning and development – other subject-based material must supply the context and motivation for this. Key skills underpin the ability to carry out successfully, and improve on, a wide range of tasks in higher education, employment and wherever there is a continuation of learning. We hope that you will study this unit over a period of time in conjunction with a course or work situation. For example, you may complete 1 hour per week for selected skills over a 40-week period.

Key skill assessment unit: working with others (U077_1)

Working effectively with other people in a group or a team is a skill valued highly by community and educational organisations, as well as employers. Working in a group is about communicating effectively, contributing ideas, listening and receiving feedback, and leading or following as appropriate. Developing your skills means thinking about and planning the tasks the group needs to do, negotiating with others to develop shared goals and purpose, collaborating to achieve agreed results and then reviewing the approach. In developing and assessing the key skill of working with others you will learn to use and adapt your skills confidently and effectively in different situations and contexts. This unit is designed to be studied for 1 hour per week over 50 weeks.

Key skill assessment unit: problem solving (U076_1)

Problem solving runs through many activities. Often problems are contexts for focusing ideas and stimulating further investigation or discussion. Framing an issue appropriately – identifying why it is a problem, recognising factors that might have a bearing on it and outlining what an acceptable resolution or solution might look like, are important approaches. Improving your problem solving skills means raising your awareness of this process. In developing and assessing this key skill you will learn to use and adapt your skills confidently and effectively in different situations and contexts. This unit is designed to be studied for 1 hour per week over 50 weeks.

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