Alumni Sharing Program



Planning And Managing Your Job Search

Self-asseessment and individual conseling

Knowing one's career interest, strengths and development needs is an important first step in managing one's career, several assessment tools are available to students to help put in focus their career goals and job objectives. Students are given every opportunity to take advantage of these tools.

The Career Services Office also provides one-on-one attention to every student. Individual counseling helps students focus on their job search, plan the appropriate strategies, write effective resumes and improve their interviewing skills in order to achieve their career objectives.?

Career workshop and panels

The Career Services team serves as an industry liaison to the many career-related resources, activities, and events for the Business Elite Program.

Throughout the year, the Career Services Office hosts a variety of workshops and panels to educate, prepare, and support students in their job search process. Workshop topics include self-assessment, resumes, cover letters, crafting your story, networking and interviewing etiquette, and international topics.

Industry-focused panels, mock interviews, and networking sessions provide additional hands-on experiences. Experts and visiting executives (sometimes alumni) from various fields and industries share insight and advice through career- related panels.

Company briefing and enrichmang programs

The Career Services Office hosts company briefings that expose students to different industries, companies and career opportunities.

Business leaders are invited to share with FTMC students the latest developments in their fields or the secrets of their success. After briefings, companies often host open exchanges, informal "meet-and-greet" sessions where you have the chance to speak individually with employees from the visiting company. Company presentations and enrichment programs are organized both on and off campus.

Career Club

Students are encouraged to form into groups and work together to explore a particular industry, be it finance, consulting, entrepreneurship or marketing, to learn from those who have previous work experience in the industry and contribute by helping research companies or whatever you all decide....... the agenda is yours to define.

Throughout the year, with the support of the FTMC Career Services team, career clubs plan and organize activities such as alumni sharing, seminars and study tour based on student interest.

Resume Book Program

The FTMC Career Services Office devotes a great deal of time to marketing FTMC Alumni students to potential employers. Staff members regularly visit major business corporations to promote awareness and to cultivate recruiting relationships.

Resume Books of each year's students are sent to regular recruiters as well as prospective recruiters.

Summer Internship Program

Summer internships offer students and employers the opportunity to try each other out. This is particularly useful for students interested in a new career direction and for companies to build a pipeline of potential hirees. Permanent offers are often made to interns who have performed well or showed potential during their internship. Here two students provide insights into the impact of their internships on their outlook.




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