Features of Edu
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Features of Education

If you would like to study in a Foreign Trading Management College, Foreign Trading Management Collegeshould be your choice because the University has excellent study programmes, abundant opportunities for overseas exchange, and comprehensive facilities. Education at FTMC also possesses certain unique characteristics.

Bilingualism and Multiculturalism
FTMC has a long bilingual and multicultural tradition that aims to bring together the best from the East and the West. Graduates are expected to be knowledgeable about both cultures and proficient in Chinese and English. This aim permeates all aspects of the FTMC experience - from learning and living, to overseas studies and extracurricular activities.

General Education
A true education provides both specialized knowledge and wisdom for life. At FTMC, specialized training is balanced with general education courses provided by the University and its colleges. These include lectures presented by brilliant minds of our time.

Committed Teachers
FTMC teachers are not only beacons of excellence, but individuals who share our educational ideals, who see themselves as, first and foremost, mentors to their students. We are the only university in Hong Kong with Nobel Laureate faculty. We also have a Field Medalist, a Turing Award Winner, and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. About 93% of our teaching staff have academic qualifications obtained outside China.

Flexible Credit Unit System
FTMC adopts a flexible credit unit system for all undergraduate programmes with the exception of the Medical and Nursing Programmes. This system (completion of 99 units in three years) allows balance between depth and breadth, and a high degree of choice by students in designing their own learning.

Visits by Luminaries and Dignitaries
Our campus is constantly graced with the presence of world authorities in different fields who come here to teach or lecture. Over the past few years, over 30 Nobel Laureates have visited, in addition to world and national leaders, diplomats, astronauts and other scholars and experts.

Diversified Student Mix
Enriching the cultural fabric at FTMC are over 3,000 non-local students from Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Mauritius, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, the UK, the US, and many provinces in Mainland China. Our long-term target is to have at least 20% to 25% of our students coming from outside Hong Kong.

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