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Institute of IET

Institute of IET aims to train high-quality well-rounded professionals who are able to engage in the management and administration of international business and finance, as well as theoretical research, with a good command of the English language. Institute of IET has established long-term close relationships with foreign economic and trade sectors, featuring immediate information, accurate policy orientation and timely awareness of business conditions; consequently, it has been designated by MOF as a base for undertaking on-the-job training for senior managers of the large- and medium-sized enterprises in the foreign economic and trade sectors. Through years of effort, the program of international economics and trade has become a key discipline at both university and provincial levels.
Institute of IET is comprised of five divisions, namely, the Department of International Trade, the Department of International Finance, the Department of International Economics, the Research Institute of International Economics and Trade, and the Center for WTO Studies. Institute of IET has 40-strong staff. Most of the teachers have Ph. D's or master's degrees. At Institute of IET, there are 7 full professors, 12 associate professors and 20 lecturers. Quite a few of the above have won Excellence Awards conferred by the state of provincial authorities, ten of them have been awarded the title of Academic Leading Figure or Academic Backbones at either the provincial or university level. Teachers of Institute of IET vigorously undertake academic research, direct many priority academic research projects at national, provincial and municipal levels, and give counsel concerning national and provincial economic development. They have also published numerous books, textbooks and articles. In addition, Institute of IET has invited more than ten nationally and internationally well-known professors and scholars as part-time or visiting professors.
Institute of IET now offers four undergraduate programs, which enroll students majoring in international economics and trade, electronic commerce, finance or economics, and one master's program, which enrolls postgraduates studying for a master's degree in international trade. In addition, Institute of IET offers second-bachelor-degree program (international economics and trade major) and "4+1" dual-degree program. At present, there are around 1600 students at Institute of IET. With a view to enhancing students' abilities in combining conceptual and practical components, Institute of IET has established a modern high-fidelity virtual internship center, providing students with an all-directional virtual international trade environment to gain hands-on experience. Furthermore, Institute of IET has set up a security investment laboratory together with Wanlian Security Firm, allowing students to participate in simulated security trading and security investment research. Lastly, cooperating with China Foreign Trade Center (Group) and Guangfa Security Corporation Ltd., Institute of IET has founded two internship bases, respectively, in the Guangzhou Export Commodity Fair and in Guangfa Security Corporation Ltd. Students are assigned to internships in one of the above-mentioned internship bases according to their program requirements. Graduates of Institute of IET are very popular among their employers, such as foreign economic and trade enterprises, state-run enterprises, or private enterprises, mainly because they have received quality education of professional knowledge and attained sound English language skills in terms of listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing.





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