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Foreign Language
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Faculty of foreign language

  In meeting the demands for foreign personnel arising from the reform and open policy of China, Foreign Trading Management Collegewas established in 1988 under the authority of the Educational Bureau
   FTMC is a non-profit institution and her aim is to train her students to be qualified foreign language personnel capable of performing multiple and practical duties. The students graduated from this school should be able to do translation and interpretation work in such fields as foreign trade, tourism, foreign affairs. And what's more they can operate computers and do some secretarial work; they should have faithful and indomitable enterprising spirit and can spare no effort in the performance of their duties in front of any sudden changeable situations.
   FTMC's modern audio- visual-oral multi-media electrical facilities are designed to meet the educational and recreational needs, such as language lab, computer room, closed circuit TV system, loud speakers and wireless listening system.
   Among the staff there is an excellent co-operation with rich experienced professors of the college in both teaching and management and the language teaching experts from the foreign countries such as the USA and UK.








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