Faculty of Arts
Faculty of BA
Faculty of computer
Social Science
Faculty of Science
Institute of IET
Foreign Language
Faculty of Finance
Airlines service
Art and Media


Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty is an elite training centre for engineers and a hub of cutting-edge research and technology transfer. You will receive a sound engineering education through the programmes offered by our 5 departments; you will also enjoy study abroad and work-study opportunities, and job placement services. Our teachers are recruited from top universities worldwide and our facilities are state-of-the-art. The multi-disciplinary and multi-talent training offered by the Faculty prepares its students for a wide magnitude of career choices both in the business and government sectors. Quite a number of our graduates have also started their own business and become successful entrepreneurs. Apart from this, many of our graduates have embarked on their postgraduate studies and taken up teaching and research work in prestigious universities locally and overseas. The career prospects of our students are endless and the opportunities unlimited.







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