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Faculty of Business Administration


Course Code: 13001020
Course Title: Management
Department: Department of Business Administration
Credit: 2
Periods per week: 2
Preparatory Course: None
Students: Undergraduates
Main Contents: By the main line of basic function of management, this course explains the basic theory, knowledge and skills and techniques of management, and combines with case study to promote student’s ability of problem analyzing and solving. After learning this course, students should grasp the basic theory and technique of management; know the history of the development of theories and ideas of management; master the basic function of management such as plan, organization, lead, control, etc, as well as their correlations; grasp the analytic skills of management environment and method; know how to set up the management goal; grasp the basic knowledge of human resource in recruitment and training; grasp the theory of inspiration and the method of innovation.
Course Book: Zhou SanDuo, Chen ChuanMing, Lu MingHong (Ed.) Management (4th edition), Fudan University Press, 2004.6
Reference Book: Stephen P. Robbins, Management (8th edition), Tsinghua University Press, 2005.



Course Code: 13002030、13002020
Course Title: Investment Economics
Department: Department of Business Administration
Credit: 3
Periods per week: 3
Preparatory Course: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
Students: Undergraduates
Main contents: This course lays emphasis upon the essential contents of the connotation, characteristics and function of investment, the object, purpose and method of investment economics, the construction, scale and the cycle procedure of investment, the relationship between investment and economic growth, investment performance analyzing; the regulation and control engineering of investment, as well as the investment system.
Course Book: Luo LeQin (ed.), Investment Economics, Science Press, 2003
Reference Book: Deng XiangRong (ed.), Investment Economics, Tianjin University Press, 2001


Course Code: 13003030
Course Title: Project Management 
Department: Department of Business Administration
Credit: 3
Periods per week: 3
Preparatory Course: None
Students: Undergraduates
Main contents: Project management, used as a kind of particular managerial method, appeared first in the United States. This course mainly included: Basic concept of project manage, project organizing, project manager, the project target and scope management, project planning, project estimation and budgeting, the progress of project planning, project resources management, project trailing and control, project risk management, project auditing, project communication and conflict management, project purchase and distribution, project terminating, CAD of project management introduction and application, etc. Through studying, students can understand the project manage skills and technology about the whole process management.
Course Book: Bi Xing (ed.), Project Management, Fudan University Press, 2001
Reference Book: Liang ShiLian (ed.), Engineering Project Management, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press, 2001


Course Code: 13004020
Course Title: Operation Management
Department: Department of Business Administration
Credit: 2
Periods per week: 2
Preparatory Course: None
Students: Undergraduates
Main contents: This course introduces the productions and operations management in manufacturing and service industry, including the whole management for assemble type and processing type, that is, the productive control of the and the labor’s operations management; The main contents include: the basic concepts of productions and operations management, operation strategy, demands forecasting; Production system design which includes the product design, technological design, technique selection, production service facilities selection and arrangement, layout, job design and measurement, production system operating, include production plan, inventory management, material requirement planning, manufacturing resource planning and control, services planning, supplies management, project planning management, production system maintenance and improvement, include the maintenance and reliability confirmation, total quality management, just-in-time,  and other productive model.
Course Book: Chen Rongqiu & Ma Shihua (ed.), Operation Management, Higher Education Press, 2003
Reference Book: Chen FuJun (ed.), Operation management, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press, 2002


Introduction to Construction Engineering

Course Code: 13005030
Course Title: Introduction to Construction Engineering
Department: Department of Business Administration
Credit: 3
Periods per week: 3
Preparatory Course: None
Students: Undergraduates
Main contents: This course gives the basic knowledge in construction engineering and construction draft. Through the learning, students will get to know the basic concepts of construction engineering, be familiar with the structure, function and classification of the civilian and industry construction, understand the basic theories and methods of the construction engineering graphics, and furthermore, grasp the method for reading graphic correctly, improve the ability of using graphic further, ground themselves the essential knowledge for studying the professional lesson Cost of Construction Engineering and other related courses for the next semester.
Course Book: Luo FuZhou (ed.), Introduction to Construction Engineering, China Construction Material Industry Press, 2002
Reference Book: Liu GuangCheng & Liu ZhiJie (ed.), Introduction to Construction & Architecture Engineering, Dalian Science & Technology University Press, 1999


Cost of Construction Engineering

Course Code: 13006040
Course Title: Cost of Construction Engineering
Department: Department of Business Administration
Credit: 4
Periods per week: 4
Preparatory Course: Introduction to Construction Engineering
Students: Undergraduates
Main contents: This course is one of the professional courses in construction engineering management, also belongs to manage engineering category. Through the learning, students will understand the function of engineering build cost and various budget settling and application on construction engineering, and further understand the components of engineering build cost, the methods of engineering scale list pricing calculating. It will prepare the students for going for the jobs of budgetary estimates, budgets, final accounting of the construction cost in capital investment units, design department, bank, and audit corporation.
Course Book: Huang HanJiang (ed.), Cost of Construction Engineering, Lixin Accounting Press, 2003
Reference Book: Xu HuanXin (ed.), Cost of Engineering, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press, 1999


Project cost management

Course Code: 13007020
Course Title: Project cost management
Department: Department of Business Administration
Credit: 2
Periods per week: 2
Preparatory Course: Cost of Construction Engineering
Students: Undergraduates
Main contents: This course is a professional course about project cost. The content of this course is mainly includes three parts. The first part is the general introduction of the basic theory. The second part is about the macro management, mainly introducing the organization, mechanism and the means of macro adjustment and control of project cost management. And the third part is about micro management, mainly introducing the control technique and method of total cost management.
Course Book: Editing Group (ed.), Fundamental Theory and Law for Construction Cost Management, China Planning Press, 2004.
Reference Book: Huang HanJiang (ed.), Cost of Construction Engineering, Lixin Accounting Press, 2003


Operation & Management of Real Estate Development

Course Code: 13008020
Course Title: Operation & Management of Real Estate Development
Department: Department of Business Administration
Credit: 2
Periods per week: 2
Preparatory Course: None
Students: Undergraduates
Main contents: This course explains the theories and methods of operation & management of real estate development, the meanings of the synthetic development of real estate, the programming and design of real estate item, prediction on the supply and demand and price of the real estate, the feasibility research of the real estate developing item, the analysis about the investment performance, the developing item funds raising, the project investigate, design and planning, as well as the finance cost management of real estate business enterprise, etc. After learning this course, students should know and grasp the knowledge and techniques to make preparation for the future working in the real estate field.
Course Book: Lv Ping (ed.), Operation & Management of Real Estate Development, China Renmin University Press, 2001
Reference Book: Adrienne Schmitz, Deborah L. Brett (ed.), Real Estate Marketing Analysis. Citic Press, 2003; Mike E. Miles, Gayle Berens, Marc A. Weiss, Real Estate Development: Principles and Process, Citic Press, 2003





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