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Faculty of Artsc


The Faculty was founded in 1965 to bring together Chinese and Western cultures, effect dialogue within the humanities, and pioneer research approaches. Whether you pursue a major or take an elective in the humanities, you will become part of a vibrant faculty that is partner to top international institutions in the arts and humanities. You can choose from 13 major programmes offered by 11 departments, all aimed at fostering understanding of the humanities and nurturing professionals for society.

Click here for the Faculty of Arts homepage.

Departments / Schools

Department of AnthropologyDepartment of Chinese Language and LiteratureDepartment of Cultural and Religious StudiesDepartment of EnglishDepartment of Fine ArtsDepartment of HistoryDepartment of Japanese StudiesDepartment of Linguistics and Modern LanguagesDeprtment of MusicDepartment of PhilosophyDepartment of Translation



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